One of my many goals is a biggie: eating for health rather than convenience
Convenience eating has become a way of life for me since college. I envied my friends and roommates who knew how to cook fun and exciting foods. When I would think about attempting a new recipe, I would look at the list of 10, 15 ingredients and think: f*@$ it. let's order pizza.
Now, I am committed to eating to help myself feel better. And, recipes don't have to be full of 10-15 obscure ingredients to be in line with my specialized needs!
When thinking about attempting to cook...anything, I shudder in anticipation of an anxiety ridden experience in the kitchen and must fight off the "eff its". Typically, I call myself a terrible cook. In reality, I think I'm simply frightened of the unknown.
Here are all the reasons I give myself for not being a better cook:
1. I don't have the knack for flavors or how to mix them
2. I don't have the time
3. I don't have a kitchen filled with wonderful cooking tools
4. My family won't eat anything new
5. I'm tired at the end of the day (I do have Sjogren's Syndrome, after all!)
These examples of negative thinking, while valid in many ways, will lead to more of the same low energy, sluggish digestive system, and cloudy thinking that I have come to expect everyday.
Instead, let's think about the reasons I could be great at this:
1. I follow directions well
2. When I am making a mess, I clean up as I go
3. I like to seek out new and exotic items for projects (for example: yarn for knitting)
(I didn't promise great reasons)
Some obstacles I anticipate in this great adventure:
1. Fussy family meals
2. Lots of time searching out obscure spices and roots
3. Fatigue
a. physical
b. emotional (i.e. BOREDOM with my new project)
4. Temptation of convenience and gluttony!
Resources at my disposal:
1. Friends who are living the healthy life (you know who you are)
2. The Sjogren's Syndrome community
3. Unlimited internet finds for recipes that don't leave me with contorted facial muscles
4. Counseling
5. Living in a diverse community where I can find special ingredients at small businesses
6. A four year old son who loves to help whenever anything is happening in the kitchen
Off to find my first recipe...
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