Monday, July 23, 2012

Searching for answers

Mood: Pleasant!
Energy: Moderate
Physical symptoms: Mild (feeling overheated throughout the day, some facial swelling)

It's been said that Sjogren's Syndrome is, in some way, affected by female hormones, specifically estrogen. Given that I had a baby about 5 months ago, it is no surprise that I have been having a flare of my symptoms and feeling generally crummy since that time.  I have been waiting for my hormonal cycle to reset itself before freaking out too much about just how crummy I feel.

The time has come!

I have officially returned to my cycle and can notice a difference in my symptoms. I have more energy and stamina, I feel more patient and compassionate, and I feel more creative and curious. What a gift.

I've been improving my diet and activity in the last couple of weeks. Eating many more fruits and vegetables, going to fitness classes during the week and on weekends. Honestly, I thought I noticed a difference in the way my body looked in the mirror this morning. I can't tell what the difference is, but something was notably different.

I've promised you a new recipe for my healthy livin' life. From Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen: Recipes from the East for Health, Healing, and Long Life, I present Champion Chicken with Goji Berries.  Enjoy.

2T vegetable oil
2 cloves garlic peeled and minced
1 (.5-1 inch) piece of fresh ginger peeled and minced
3-4 pounds skinless chicken breasts
2 medium sized green onions, chopped into half inch pieces
3-4T rice wine or dry sherry
2T soy sauce
2T goji berries
1.5c water or stock
1t dark sesame oil

1. Heat vegetable oil in a pan, add the garlic and ginger and cook until the garlic is golden (about 5 mins).
2. Place the chicken, garlic, ginger, freen onions, wine, soy sauce, goji berries, and water in a pot.
3. Bring the mixture to a boil, then cover and lower the heat to a simmer. Cook for about 30 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.
4. Sprinkle the sesame oil on top as a finishing touch.
5. Serve in a bowl with some of the broth or on top of rice with the broth as a gravy.

Note: I haven't actually made this recipe yet. It looks pretty simple, but I have yet to locate goji berries.  If you have any tips on where to find them, let me know!

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