Monday, July 30, 2012

Downward Spiral...

And now, for your guilty pleasure, let me perform for you...the downward SPIRAL!

.:cue circus music:.

Step 1: Go to an outdoor wedding, do not wear bug repellent, and get bitten up like a virgin in a vampire movie.

Step 2: Take a benedryl in the morning before going to work to keep self from itching

Step 3: Get incredibly sleepy and rationalize the purchase of a huge diet soda to keep self awake

Step 4: Ingest bucketloads of aspartame and the unholy cravings for sugar and carbs return with a vengence

Step 5: Ingest bucketloads of carbs and get more tired and sluggish than before

Step 6: Experience the regret of a wasted day

Step 7: CRASH!

I'm going to my acupuncture appointment tonight. I hope that helps. Stupid bug bites. The catalyst for a day of bad decision making.

1 comment:

  1. ut oh. i hate bugs and there bites. i hope you can get things back in action and worked out. i am a type 1 diabtic and i struggle with weight, carbs and food. just not sugar, i dont eat it .

    follow me #5
