Sunday, August 26, 2012

Brain Fogginess

This photo really has nothing to do with today, I just thought it was a fun shot of my husband and my kid.
Mood: Stable
Energy: Moderate
Physical symptoms: sweating, flushed, thirsty
My husband pointed out to me yesterday that my blog has been highly focused on the physical aspect of my wellness and was seriously lacking attention to my other Sjogren's symptoms. Well, this one is just for you, Pal!
I've read that Sjogren's Syndrome can have an effect on one's cognitive processes. Pfft, I thought. My brain is as sharp as a tack and there is not one ounce of evidence that I'm losing my edge...until now.
Recently, I've been having that experience where you just...can't...think...of the want to use!!  We've all had this happen, and I'd bet it happens more when we're under stress of any kind. However, my experience has been especially troublesome. I will sit there for a few minutes, I will tap my hand on the table, make nonsense noises, widen my eyes, slightly shake my head, and...eventually...just throw my hands up in defeat.
My Pal noticed this happening more and more and asked me why I hadn't included this information on my blog.
So there. It's on.

PS: I see my energy worker again tomorrow. I will update appropriately.


  1. I so know what you mean about trying to fish out the word you want to use and can't when you need it. It is so frustrating. And I think you are right about its tie into stress, also I notice it happens to me more often when I have my mind going in too many directions at once.
    Liz (Lizziefx - Follow Me 5)

  2. Hi - Erin R. sent me a link to your blog. I've been diagnosed with Sjogren's also. I think the cognitive symptoms are the hardest for me to handle.... thanks for posting this, it really resonated with me.
