Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fitness Quest

I've signed up to work with a personal trainer. Oh good god.

I've never worked with a trainer before and I'm quite nervous. I'm going to sweat like some sort of farm animal and become out of breath and gross while trying to communicate effectively with this total stranger who is trying to motivate me.


I'm trying to decide if I should keep up with my lunchtime pilates and yoga classes. I'm getting to class, on average, once per week, but it's available 4 days per week. I find myself questioning whether to stay in because down-time is so hard to come by in my life with two small kids and one overgrown kid at home. Here are the questions I'm asking myself:

1. Am I benefitting from these lunchtime classes?
2. Do I miss my one hour break of reading or knitting enough to drop the classes?
3. Am I just trying to justify laziness?

Ugh. Maybe it's time for a compromise.  Maybe I'll commit to making one lunchtime class per week instead of angonizing over it every fricken day I'm at work. That sounds like a better plan.


  1. I would try 2 days and then take the other two days to do what you'd like. Good luck!!

  2. Your really inspirational.. I think I need to take a leaf out of your book and exercise more!
    (Washi - Swapbot)

  3. exercise is the worst for me. I'd love to get a personal trainer to hold me accountable.
    Good luck!!
    chrissyh418 (swap-bot)
