Friday, August 17, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On

"You're going to be just fine"
- from the box of Band Aids in my bathroom

Mood: labile, tearful
Energy: low to moderate
Physical symptoms: beginning to show

I'm in a dirt pile right now. I've completely let go of everything I was working on so hard and made my way back to the land of candy and crap and convenience eating. What a sad state.

In fact, my pants are feeling tight right now. I'ma go change into my comfies...


Back on line...

Much better .::relieved sigh::.

A wise man said to me: "Change happens when you get uncomfortable"  True dat.

I have been refraining from writing on here due to the embarrassment (and, I'll admit it, shame) that I feel about how far I've fallen in such a short period of time. I had to remind myself today that the falls are just as important as the get-back-ups and their documentation is crucial. How else will I know how to predict and prevent this behavior that is so destructive?

I won't bore you with the details of my crash. I know them well, so I will not be short changed by not keeping a strict inventory here. If at some point I think making a strict inventory will be beneficial, I will certainly add it here.

Okay, the plan to get back on track:

What has been working during this fall (i.e. do more of this):
  • I've kept up with my exercise on the weekends
  • I'm eating at home in the evenings instead of out to eat
  • I make gluten free choices when they are just as accessible as mainstream choices
  • I make time to be alone when I need it
What needs improvement:
  • Meds have not been taken consistently
  • Eating candy and drinking caffeine (the two biggest baddies!)
  • More fruits and vegetables in my meals
  • Journaling and reflection (including blog)
  • Tracking food and activity
  • Activity during the week
  • Lunches in restaurants during the week
Next steps:
  • Water, water, water: two 32 oz bottles tomorrow
  • Take meds immediately after brushing teeth
  • Have a fruit smoothie for breakfast
  • Attend the Saturday Kettle Bell class
  • Purchase microwaveable veggies in a bag, fresh fruits, and my fav yogurt
  • Go shopping with my hubby for some fun time
  • Take a nap
  • Blog my success!

Hey, the Band Aids were right! I am going to be just fine.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it!!! Double check with the gluten free diet. Mu friend has scyliacs (sp?) And he has said a gluten free diet for those without the disease can be harmful. I've not researched it but thought I would pass that on! Love your band-aid reference :-)
